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Queen's Theater - Palace of Versailles: An absolute Marvel

As a Corporate Patron and Partner of Château de Versailles, let IMERSE organize your VIP experience during a private show rarely played at the Queen's Theater - followed by a cocktail dinner in Le Petit Trianon gardens, a visit of the Queen's Hamlet and fireworks launched from The Temple of Love


© RMN (Château de Versailles) / Christophe Fouin

Inaugurated in 1780 for Marie Antoinette's private use, the Queen's Theatre is an absolute marvel: built by Richard Mique as a real theatre in a small format, it still has all its original stage machinery and numerous sets in which the Queen could perform...


An unforgettable event to enjoy a personalized show

in this unique place (performance limited to 1 hour only to preserve the original interior decor)

followed by a cocktail dinner in Le Petit Trianon 



The price of some of our experiences may include a fully tax-deductible donation to support iconic cultural institutions


Extend your Queen's Theater experience by strolling along the Pavillon Français, Le Petit Trianon and or the Queen's Hamlet.


Louis XVI gave the Petit Trianon Estate to Marie-Antoinette in 1774. 

The young Queen loved to retire here, far from the Court at Versailles, accompanied by her close circle of friends.


Le Belvédère of Le Petit Trianon

Queen's Hamlet