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Insurances and Bookings

Imerse is financially covered

  • Thanks to its professional certification, Imerse is financially covered by Galian, a French insurance company based in Paris, so funds deposited by guests in our French bank escrow account are guaranteed.


  • All bookings are made through Imerse. Direct bookings have distinct advantages for travelers. 


  • Payment to Imerse is made secure by contracts.  


  • As we design made-to-measure experiences, we have no price list.

Guest villa insurance

  • Imerse and Aon have jointly developed a tailor-made and exclusive insurance offer with Hiscox for short-term rentals of our private villas.


  • This Hiscox offer includes significant insured amounts for both the owner and the guest.


  • The personalized subscription procedure set up with Aon is secure and efficient.


  • This high-end service is at the heart of the Imerse experience. We’re committed to ensuring that our guests have complete peace of mind during their stay in our private villas.